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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 98 – Unseen (The Good Fight) – Original

in #openmic6 years ago

I have been a few days out in the wild... no internet, just me, the mountains and the sky... I needed to think... So I was now slowly checking my feed and got a treat!

You are my winner this week, this has to win open mic
I almost cried before you even started to cry... we know the "dark place", I have some "companion songs" and know the feeling of not "knowing it they will overwhelm me" but that's the magic of it, the vulnerable, the honesty of it.
Gasp for air, because sometimes the undertow is strong, but we´ll make it to the surface.
Healing wishes....
deep breath
green leaf heart - by priscilla Hernandez (


Thank you, Pris. <3 I'd love to hear your 'companion' songs. • It's funny – the undertow/riptide difference really messed with me in this song. It came out first as a' river' with a 'rip tide unseen' that's been 'pullin' me down'. But riptides are in the ocean, and they pull you out not down. Undertows are in rivers, and they pull you down. So I experimented with a lot of variations, trying to find the right feel, while also being accurate. In the end, I wanted to make riptide work, because it was the nicest alliteration, so...I just figured out how to make it work. :)