
oh my goodness I was feeling emotional over those strings. make me weeep

wow you're amazing
i love it

thanks for listening...i hope you enjoy it...

Very much enjoyed and prepared to listen to her again.

Terbaik bro 👍

thanks bro...cuba-cuba je bro...sudah karat...lama tak main... :)

Best !

time kasih sifu....

Wow! You play the violin too.


yes sir...violin is my 2nd instrument during my study.

you're superbly talented my friend... jeles tengok org terer main music... hahaha...

Syok mendengarnya...

WOW!! every instrument you touch becomes great music!! Love your work!!!

terbaik cikgu zhu....

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menusuk qalbu.. :))

ahhh. thanks for introducing this song. sedap ;) hope we can collaborate soon!


such a nice music!