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RE: What does Winning Open Mic Actually Mean?

in #openmic6 years ago

You know you deserve this win, right? :-) You're a shining example of how we would all like to be and we love you for that also. The strongest tag-team duo is still honesty & love; you possess both in spades ;-)

They say that the universe is indifferent and doesn't care about good, evil, love or hate, that we shouldn't expect good things to happen to good people and vice-versa. In this case the universe didn't agree and you changed it's opinion; how's that for "the power of love"..?

Nah, seriously mate: CONGRATULATIONS! And thanks so much for your heartfelt music and lyrics! :-) <3


Such a kind and loving being you are!
Thank you for such wonderfully touching compliments!
I'm so very honoured to have connected with you here in the Steemit world!

Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy