Sex, Passion, Love, Open To Your Bliss Part 2

in #opentoyourbliss6 years ago (edited)

Our natural essential nature is love and bliss, this is the essence within every one of us. In my opinion the most important thing for opening as bliss is loving and accepting ourselves exactly as we are. For some of us this is easy for others of us it is full of challenges. Lets celebrate where ever you are on this journey of self love, bliss and pleasure and talk about the movement of our bodies energy(qi).

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Qi travels through out pathways in your body known as channels or meridians. The most subtle movement of qi can cause many sensations, some of the most common are tingling, heat, expansion, an electrical sensation, a magnetic feeling, pulsation, or a bubbly feeling. these are also sensations similar to those we feel with arousal or sexual desire, since arousal is simply the movement of sexual energy. These sensations are not the actual qi itself they are the signs of increasing qi in that area. The movement of qi is an electrical or biochemical charge moving through the body.

There is a Taoist saying "the mind moves, and the qi follows." Wherever we focus our attention, the qi will tend to gather and increase. Your increased attention shifts the flow of qi. With awareness of how to move the energy within your body, you become empowered to move your qi at will to expand and deepen your sexual bliss and your vitality. The stronger the focus, the greater the movement of qi will be.

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First we need to we learn how to shift the energy from our heads into our navel. The navel is where all nourishment flows into our body while we're in the womb and it remains the energetic center of our body throughout our lives. In expanding into our full blissful nature it is important to open the channel between our brain, heart and belly. We do this through the microcosmic orbit.

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Basic Microcosmic Orbit

Smile into your navel center, you may feel a warmth in your belly as the qi awakens from the warmth of your smile.
Now smile into your sexual organs, and your perineum.

Imagine the energy now moving up the outside of your spine starting at your perineum

Imagine/feel the energy rise to the crown of your head

Touch your tongue to your upper palate and smile down to your abdominal center, allowing the qi to fall like a waterfall from your crown, through your tongue, and into your navel.

Now bring your hands to your belly just below your belly button and spiral the energy 18's in each direction to settle and ground this energy in your body.

This is the most important qi flow of the body, for connecting us to the energy of earth and heaven, opening us to move and expand our blissful sexual vitality.

Try practicing this exercise connecting into the microcosmic orbit for 5 minutes a day. Be open to your own sensations however subtle or intense they may be, this is where we begin, always completing by bringing the energy to the navel and spiralling it into your belly. We then bring this movement into our own self pleasure practice and once we're familiar with moving our energy in our self practice we open this practice with another.



My dearest @Aumsong, your knowledge of Energy and the paths that follows is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

Can't wait for you to be here so we can practise it together!!!
I am most certain that all women should have that knowledge in their lives!!!!

Thank you ❤ ❤ ❤ !!!!!!!!

Thanks @alainak15! It's such an incredible feeling to tap into the energy flows within ones own body ! We are all capable of feeling these energy currents, in our own unique ways.

Another excellent piece @aumsong and look forward to see what you are going to be sharing with us all. Such knowledge is highly needed as everyone would profit from knowing about this and even more so use these techniques to promote our thriving.

Good job! Namaste :)

thanks a lot for the sharing of this knowledge.