Ranting: What would I do if I coult take over Hive?

in #opinion2 years ago

The first and only thing would be to approve the dilution of all witness votes for each account according to the amount of voted witnesses and remove the "30" votes limit. You would still be able to vote as many witnesses as you want, but the more witnesses you vote, the less vesting each one receives.

Why would I do that?

It bothers me the fact that every account here has more available equal votes to cast for witnesses, which is 30, than the amount of witnesses required to do a Hard Fork, which are 17.

Well, that was just my ranting about something bothering me for some time.

If you have a spare vote...

Vote for me as your Hive Witness

If you want to support Brazilian creators...

Vote curator @perfilbrasil for Hive Witness

Delegations are rewarded here.

I am not saying the system is rigged, but it feels odd that the top whales can vote for more people than there are "permanent" (top 20) block producers. I thought that splitting from Steem to Hive would make more people care about stuff like that, since before basically one account could choose the top 20 witnesses alone.

It kinda has worked for now, we don't seem to be in danger or anything and development has been happening, but still feels weird the way it works

This has been proposed and discussed before. One issue seems to me that the blockchain may become much more susceptible to various attacks because it will require far more total HP voting to get the top 20 witnesses elected. So it would require far more governance participation, but most people don't participate. It seems to me, this would result in a situation where it becomes much easier for someone to acquire some stake and vote for themselves as a witness and manage to get in the top 20.