
eat more beef, less emissions. i'm saving the planet one steak at a time

More methane, more destruction of natural habitats. Not sustainable at current consumption.

and there was a loud voice that said unto the shepherds, piss off this is cattle country :)

And then there was no more forest...

Eat frog legs and escargot instead, that should fix all the beefyissues!

Crickets r not bad with chili sos

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I would've said "eat beans" but then we replace the corn fead cattle. So yeah, frogs legs, escargot and crickets, with a bit of sauce on 'em and Bob's your uncle!

Never had frogs, but I have eaten snails some time ago. I'm mostly veggie, but have some fish. Gave up meat nearly 30 years ago and don't miss it.

On a very serious note, it is my opinion that grazing stock should graze as was intended.

However this then doesn't allow for the consumers who want all their "rights to a choice" with absolutely no RESPONSIBILITY to be satisfied as prices will be high and the shelves/freezers won't be full with as much of a choice.

People are the problem, as usual.

& on a not so serious note, if we were to resort to beans, damn the corn stuffed cattle wouldn't be able to compete with us on the methane issues!

PS. I don't judge, just state it as I see it (and back it up if need be, that is, if the logic doesn't get through without a diagram or dot to dot!)