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RE: It's What's On The inside That Matters

in #outofthinair3 months ago

Thing is it takes everything I got to stay out of dark places when I'm laid up like this. It's best I say nothing at all when I'm all wrapped up in my own head.

Hello. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. Wanted to update you and say how I'm flattered and all that and then I read about your cock sucking and needed a fuckin shower.

It's still ok to say that, right? Fuckin? Or is it just a shower. Never can tell anymore, it's so easy to offend now. Someone's probably in a group right now like "it's just a shower!!!!"



Well I hope you can jack off with no hands then :D

Now I need another shower.

You, my dear human, can say whatever the fuck you like around me.

Stay out of dark places, dude. It'll pass. As it does. Stick around, please.

Wanna study something with me? It'll keep us busy until the world finally does end.

Pick a course.