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RE: Skip This if You Don't Want To Read About Someone Who Likes Their Wife A Lot

The subject that we do know want to think about :-) I guess we all did at one point (what if one of our precious dies before us...Let me take a quote from you : "Fuuu...cought." Hopefully it wil not happen, then again you never know. Treating the one you love like a queen (like you do), is the way to go (appreciating the present), I will be ost for sure as well, so let's hope for the best (lol for the death versus life insurrance term)


That was a lot of parenthesis (these things). = }

What's up Peg? Sometimes I get a little carried away all bla bla bla how I really feel bla.

Thanks for staying tuned in this long man, I appreciate it. I'll try to go back to funny next time. Have a great week.