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RE: It's What's On The inside That Matters

Grrrr - it all started with that fuckin' bee! Why do they always hit ya on the apricot eater?? I never realized that being young was such a hindrance or barrier to orthopedics. Better late than never I guess. Welcome to the frankenstein club! I suppose most of us will be stitched up, zipped up, extra parts or parts removed by the time we reach the end of this game called life. I'm sending hugs and well wishes aplenty and hopes for a speedy rehab period. Get you a basket for the walker and a mini fridge for bevies, you know? Is Pura on pup duties now?


Oh man! That's another one. Atlas. With the snow and rain, uneven footing, none recommended for a walker, Pura's been on poop patrol all year. Didn't plan for that. She doesn't mind at all or anything, that's not my point. I hate the idea of her even walking to the mailbox so, poop is like..

Hello. Thanks for tuning in. Happy new year and all that, hope you're off to a better start than me. <3