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RE: A Couple Of Rocks With Nothing On Them

I had a golden retriever / malamute mix I trained just with the sparring part, so nobody could mistreat her or worse. Don't let the breed fool you, she had a natural temper if she felt she was wronged 😂 I got her at seven weeks old, and that night she tried to take my supper away forcefully 🤣🤣🤣 Stable and good with the public though, as she was properly socialized. Unnaturally smart too...


Never. They all have that fight or flight instinct, I don't underestimate any of them.

Retrievers are real bright. I know what you mean by unnaturally. I kept waiting for my last one to talk.

Could she bark or did she inherit the mute part?

She could bark and more - the whole vocal range :) ... Counting, regular bark on command, protective barking on command or if she deemed it appropriate. Even talking, but never a human language 😂

She was fearless, but didn't use aggression lightly. That being said, she wasn't remotely shy or hesitant about it the few times it was called for.