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RE: Painting Every Day During April - Day 26 - A Still Life Painting From My Kitchen!

in #painting3 years ago

Does indoor still life count as plein air? XD

And did you have the juice and some of the other fruit as snack when you were done painting them? :D

You refined this one quite a lot, did you spend more time or is it something that automatically happens depending on whether you're doing landscapes? As I notice the landscapey stuff has been slightly more Impressionistic.


They did allow for food paintings from life for the challenge, but usually no, plein air is meant to be painting outside.

I drank the juice straight away when I was finished!

The paintings which included architecture definitely took a little bit longer, I think this one did too. I tried to kep them quite quick, but with some it was difficult and I just had to keep painting until I was satisfied with the result. Thanks :)