Maybe We Should Shift From Decrying 'Genocide' Of Palestinians To Welcoming It

in #palestinians2 months ago

by Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, March 27 - The time has come to state plainly: if the residents of the Gaza Strip indeed face genocide, as their self-appointed cheerleaders claim, I say get on with it.

Iran-backed propaganda continues to poison the world's mind with the idiotic idea that Israel finally neutralizing Hamas as a threat to her and to the region means that Palestinians are being exterminated en masse. Thirty thousand dead in five months? With many of those the Hamas fighters themselves? But still, let us swallow that figure with all the necessary salt, and stipulate nevertheless that were a genocide happening in Gaza, I would favor it. The Palestinians have given the Arab world nothing but shame and a sinkhole of resources for almost a hundred years.

I take pride in shepherding my kingdom into the future, and jettisoning the ossified assumptions and modes of thinking that for too long kept our people mired in cultural, intellectual, and technological stagnation. Chief among those obsolete notions ranks the centrality of the so-called Palestinian "cause" among the issues plaguing the Arab world, and this kingdom in particular. What has support for Palestine gained us? What has that support engendered in Palestinians themselves?

The answer to the latter question gives up the game: they do not request, they demand. When they receive, they do not pay proper respect; they sneer and demand more. See how they treat our dignitaries at Al-Aqsa.

This applies not just to their Arab brethren. Look at the disdain with which they receive air-dropped food rations from the Americans. MREs, the 1300-calorie meals that sustain elite US forces in the field for weeks or months at a time, the Palestinians reject as "insulting." One gets the sense they would find fault with five-star Michelin fare as well. Anything to remain a victim.

No longer.

Now consider a world without Palestinians. Millions of puppets for Iran, gone. Billions of aid dollars each year, now freed up to finance goals not involving futility, embezzlement, and more violence. An entire set of pretexts behind which the reactionary forces hide, neutralized.

The time has come to change our thinking. No longer must we condemn Israel for attempting to exterminate the Palestinians - after all, they have done a piss-poor job of it. Of the fewer than one million Palestinians Arabs in 1947, we now face almost ten million, if official statistics are to be believed. No, we must offer all the assistance to Israel that we can, and if those cowardly Zionists remain unwilling, then we must take up the mantle ourselves.

The future of the region demands it.

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