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RE: What Community Are You A Whale In?

in #palnet5 years ago

I think both of these are going to turn out into great communities so ive been stacking and holding every bit of these tokens I can.

Palnet I love the mission behind it and I feel like that will be a community that continues to grow and thrive.

SCT I find hard to make any earnings in since I have no idea how to write in Korean :(

And ZZAN I am still trying to find more information on it as of yet I have not had any luck do you have details on this one?


I just use Google translate which appears to be error prone per the feedback im hearing.. but at least one person has thanked me for the translation so maybe its working half the time. In any case both SCT and ZZAN seem very centrally controlled, although i guess so is PALnet to a degree when considering the moderators. ZZAN is very heavily insider controlled right now and its difficult for me to understand what theyre out to accomplish. Im not going to lie, as an english-speaker its difficult to be part of each community, but they are both open topic platforms which makes them fitting for additional tagging on almost any post. I wish a GOOGLE ai would continue to refine itself in korean though. Somethinf seems lacking.

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