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RE: My Introduction

in #palnet β€’ 2 years ago

πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸ€™ Happy late welcome to hive!

u sound like a very interesting person and your fam looks awesome! I know that u already have some great support hivers to help u out, but if u ever have some question I might be able to help also.. i just made 5 yrs on hive and have been trading and losing with crypto since 2017! :P

ok, ttyl,

ps. u said 'better days' in ur post. so i thought of this song..

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Ahaha yeah late welcome indeed. Yess thankyouuu and happy 5years here in Hive😊 nice song too, that's thoughtful of you to post a song πŸ˜… all the best!