Boulderfest 2021 Purple grade (V0 / V1) at Urban Climb West End Bouldering gym

in #palnet3 years ago

Somehow I was brave enough to enter the biggest bouldering competition in Australia - Boulderfest! The rules were that you were given 2 and a half hours and you had to complete as many climbs in the gyms as possible. Here is a purple grade climb that I completed.

Mathematics & Digital Technologies Education

Videos, quizzes, and other learning resources

Eddie the Magic Monk has 17 years teaching experience as a high school teacher in Australia. He will explain things to you in the simplest way possible to help you fully understand high school mathematics and computer science concepts.

Eddie began his tutorial channel on Youtube in 2012. His videos have been well received all over the world and now has 27+ million views! He sees the benefit in multidisciplinary learning hence his tutorials cover topics ranging from maths to dance.


Hey Mate,
Sorry to jump in with something a bit off-topic.
I'm looking for support to the HiveBuzz proposal which went unfunded today.
Do you mind reviewing and supporting it if you find it valuable for the platform, or give me your feedback if you don't? Either way, that would be greatly appreciated.

Bouldering is where you build the best grip techniques. So much fun!