
The modern day church left the morals of God along time ago. They teach a hyped up gospel that has no purpose for life. It gives us a since of euphoria but it gives no life lessons. Morality is the battle of our times and amoralism won. Until we teach the morality of God or as I call it his Law. The battle is lost.

You make an important point and hit the nail in the head. I believe that parents need to get involved and lead their children rather than delegating to someone else.

You are hitting on an important subject here! Often such groups are used as dumping grounds for kids. There is no substitute for family time, where the parents, especially the father, shares his faith with his children through scriptures, and through how he conducts himself publicly and privately.

Keep posting!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject and for appreciating my perspectives on youth ministry in the church.

Great food for thought!

Thanks for commenting on my video blog, @hibiscus

Have a great day! :)

You too!

Thanks again! :)

Good post bro,, Jesus and the Holy Spirit need to be the center of any church gathering, youth included. It is not the place for "fun" activities that don't draw people to relationship with God..

Thank you, brother!
You make a valid point and I pray that more and more would begin to realize that, as well!

I am so grateful to see that as a young man you are seriously thinking about the future of your children, rather than just dumping the rearing responsibility of raising of them on your partner and family as so many do. I have many thoughts of the "churches" today, just like all the versions of the Bible. None of them conform to the original (KJV). I consider the people the church, not a building,..where 2 or 3 gather, in Spirit and in Truth.

I am very honored by your thoughtful comments, @holdilocks
I think you made some really good points and thank you for entering into the conversation! Have a blessed evening! :)

Have a wonderful weekend and God bless you also. : )

Thank you very much and have a terrific weekend, as well! 😊

I have both worked with youth and at times have had my kids in youth group. So often the emphasis is on behavior modification and not heart transformation, and the gospel of grace is absolutely lost in it all.

I'll say amen to that, @tlester
I do agree with you that the gospel of grace is often not focused upon and it ends up being a place where there is too much attention on activities and ways to reform behaviour. You must watch Joseph Prince?

Actually i have only watched Joseph Prince a time or two. I am more of a John Piper/ John Macarthur kind of girl.

Prince preaches on the gospel of grace rather than on works oriented gospel. I used to listen to John MacArthur on Moody radio almost every night when I was growing up.

I think he's probably one of the best expository teachers of our time. Just my opinion. Thanks for your post. Really great.

You're very welcome and thank you for your comments, too! :)

Great post! Didn't know church youth groups or Sunday school are a thing! Don't think we have many of these in Europe. Can't remember anybody mentioning going there when I was a kid. We just played outside the whole weekend!

It became more popular in American churches in the 1980's and still is to this very day. Thanks for commenting on my post and I hope all is well with you! Have a great day! :)

You to have a great summer day!

I hope you do too, my friend! 😎

I agree. Church kids don't learn how to successfully debate the evolution theory because they never learned, to mention just one point. This very issue causes many of them to leave the church when they go to college. The church of tomorrow wiped out by ignorance. Parents should also pay attention to what their kids have learned, both at church and school. Sad situation. I upvote and follow.

Yes, I know many young people who got confused in college because they weren't grounded in proper theology. So you're right about that, @johnandutoit
Thanks so much for your upvote and follow!

You make a good point. We don't want to send our children to a place where they could be confused for a long time, we need to know what information is being taught to a child during his or hers formative years.

I agree! Those are the crucial years where a child needs to be taught by their parents on in the presence of their parents. @suziescorner

thanks for sharing

You're welcome and thanks for your comment, @machour
Just followed you! :)

Awesome post and lots to think about my friend. Thanks

You're welcome!
Thanks for weighing in on this , @digestingreality

Thank you very much for your comment, my friend! You're welcome! :)

i like your post my friend

Thank you very much, my friend! :)

thank you for sharing my friend :))

Glad to share, my good friend! @saqib