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RE: Silver Giveaway time Payitforward

in #payitforward7 years ago (edited)

Oh I would love to give this a try @edthecanadian
(and congratulations on blessed with a guitar! I was blessed with an Uke last year)

As for bunnies and rabbits, I'd probably would touch a lot more on the zodiac list if I was born in that year category, unfortunately I am a year after that.
(For those who knows about the zodiac can start guessing my age haha)

But also in Malaysia, a lot of people actually have rabbits in both sides:

You either have them as pets, or you eat them.

Yep. You are right. Malaysians have satay (skewed) rabbit meat.
And unfortunately, I have tried them before. Not that I love it a lot.

There was also a time rabbits in Malaysia were used for medical studies purposes where you have to dissect and study them; and that is also one of the reasons I wasn't able to go through and fail to pursue in medical field.

I hope this really long description about rabbits and bunnies would be of your entertainment
(And maybe win the contest)

upvoted and resteemed as per requested.