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RE: "BED WEATHER": What Its Like

in #peace • 3 years ago

Thank you so much!

It's my first time doing photography such as these 😅 I was inspired by my friend @hiddenblade 's way of photography. Its just so beautiful and I always have been mesmerized by her works. 😊

Yeah I do both hate it and love it. I like how your version of bed weather is in the form of snow. Its such a cool thing for you to experience snow in your place! Here in my country we don't have snow. 😅 It's mostly summer or just rainy days. Kinda sucks but kinda thankful still. 😊

Oooh those muffled city sounds. What bliss to hear that stuff.
From where I live in, my house is quite secluded from the city itself. So city sounds are quite nonexistent. hahahaha but thank God for youtube. 🤣

That's one thing I hate whether it rains or snows...the dirt. lol


Still calling mother earth to give us some snow. Didn't got as far as my tiny city of Amsterdam. About 200 km have to drive to get some of it, but to lazy to do so :)