Dear Grieving Mass Shooting Gun Control Advocate

in #peace6 years ago

I respect and admire your emotional attachment and sincerity in seeking elimination of the killing of innocents. Speaking in broad terms, gun enthusiasts are no less horrified, although obviously, less vocal.

I am not a gun enthusiast, aka gun nut, however, I would ask you to consider the following:

I will never relinquish my right and duty to protect my family by every means possible. I will not allow the scope of this protection to be limited by people wearing black robes or blue uniforms or fancy titles such as senator or captain.

I will not meekly relinquish my right to protect all that is good and pure, over to others who have no vested interest in protecting those I love.
When advocating limits on guns to protect the innocent, keep in mind you are also advocating restrictions upon MY ability to protect the innocent.