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RE: Rejecting Mainstream Parenting

I was surprised how quickly I was able to connect with like-minded individuals too! Truthfully, I was on F-book a lot, mostly in moms groups, and Matt kept encouraging me to try Steemit. I didn't take long to transition over. There is so much good content here on Steemit and the community is incredibly supportive.

We always shake our heads at the bureaucracy surrounding housing. We've modified our own plans because of it too. Between inflation and taxes, more people than not seem to be having a hard time keeping their heads above water - us included. When we were renting we could never seem to save enough money to buy property or a house. I don't think we're overly frivolous with our spending either. Wages aren't keeping up with inflation or taxes so it's no wonder more people are downsizing. Of course, instead of recognizing this issue and working towards rectifying it the government just imposes more laws that restrict people from living within their means. I always used to hear the saying the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer when I was in school, but now I feel like I am living it. That said, we are determined to get our homestead operational so we can grow our own food, be self reliant, and drastically reduce our money worries.

I am so glad to hear you are living in a comfortable and mold free home now! I don't know how you do it with a large dog inside though. I think it's funny that your tiniest animal ended up outside! Ha ha! I wish you the best in finding the perfect property. -Aimee