A Rhetorical Semantic Pertaining to Identity

in #people7 years ago (edited)

I have no real invested personal interest in this rhetoric, and the only reason I am posting this is because there seems to remain in our society, deliberate or otherwise, a lack of distinction between the noun "gay" and the noun "fag". It is of some distal concern to me because I have friends who are gay and every time I have heard one refer to self as a "fag" it has been in an angry and derogatory manner of mimicry at having been called or labeled a "fag". So here it is, in the simplest terms I can think of... gays hit on gays, fags hit on guys... regardless what yer gaydar (or straightdar for that matter) tells you. I hope this helps, at least in some thought provoking semantic capacity, and by the way, I am aware that this is not the status quo understanding. And I also feel as though many do not see the need for distinction. It's just what works for me, and solely, well usually, in my own head because I never, well... usually never, get disrespected by anybody who has any modicum of self-respect, at least not at my age, for reasons that include I am known to be quite terrifying if need be. That said, your sensitivity-to-getting-hit-on-by-gays-mileage may of course vary. But please, and this is really the gist of it... let's try and be nice and not use words in a disparaging manner toward anyone. There, I have given you a viable, perhaps practical meaning for the word "fag", and unless someone is being personally knowingly disrespectful toward you with their gayness... well in that case that would be a fag now wouldn't it? But anyhow... have a nice day. I just squashed an ant... like just now... and I feel somewhat like a hypocrite. That ant did nothing to me, and yet I squashed it. Damn. Nobody is perfect, not even a monk. It is just the way of this world, and while that is no excuse and besides I don't want to justify my behavior anyway... so yeah... everybody have a nice life. Thanks.

Thanks for reading my content and stay cool, Steemians!
