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RE: FULL Lake Orion Confrontation, White Woman Accosted, Falsely Accused of Racism

Thank you. I do hold uncertainty as there is a reason identity politics are so effective. Appeal to someones fears and dreams while holding up examples of what amplifies or opposes them and its no wonder so many fall prey to it. Especially when we have been rendered impotent due to civilization placing us in a bubble that has shielded many from understanding the true struggle to live within nature. Rendered impotent due to genetic modifications that have greatly impacted fertility and sperm count, impacted the very ability to think cogently and use reason.

They have pushed the masses into former shells of what we could be (and have been), all the while adding just a little more poison to us as they stir the pot with anger and ignorance. I just don't see an upside here.


I do see an upside, although it's down from here. Centralization like all evils, bears the seeds of it's own destruction. It is dependent on the seizure of the sovereignty of individual persons, enslaving and indenturing the wheels that go round and round and further the ride of the overlords. But as we see in every example in history, corruption is the inevitable fruit of such seizure and crashes the ride at the end.

Today, as the globalist tyranny is imposed on our perceptions, automation technology that enables decentralizing the means of production and availing all individual persons the ability to depend on their own independent means eventuates, and I see that this is a desirable possession of all reasonable people, who must prefer independent means and the wealth it brings to servitude to parasites and the penury it provides.

Propaganda, psyops, and censorship addles us, and alone prevents our working together to make today our Independence Day. This empire, like all empires, will consume itself from within, and those addlepated enough to remain dependents will themselves perish with it. While this is sad, it is the way of evolution, and catastrophe has always acted to refine the perfection of all living things.

It is those that seize the means of production themselves, whose essentials they themselves provide, that will not be starved when their masters no longer provide for them.

The upside after the fall is freedom and prosperity unbound, purchasing the stars themselves from the barren wastes of the infinite universe for the sweat equity to take them, and deliver them a legacy to our sons and daughters.

What can prevent the laws of physics from being the imperative of we in it? Psyops? Legislation? Those laws cannot be amended nor repealed, and will always deliver justice to rational people after the fools fall out. Nothing can prevent the eventual freedom and rational society mandated by the fact of the universe itself forever.

But linger a little while, and the sky itself will be home where our happy company will seek our good fortunes.