Persistence is a secret weapon for everyone. (Liu Wen)

in #persistence2 months ago

Have you ever seen interviews with athletes after they have won a gold medal? They often ask, how do you feel right now, and then they ask, what is your secret weapon... Well, you have probably heard all sorts of answers, and they give credit to their families and their coaches, their dogs, and who knows what. But, there are lots of other things that is important, and one of the most vital if you want success is your persistence.

Source: Bing DEsigner

Just think about it... people who go skiing and win nordic skiing competitions, they need snow to practice. But, there isn't snow available throughout the year worldwide. What is the result? They could take a long summer break without skiing and just relaxing. But, that wouldn't work, because then they would be fat and lazy by the time the snow returns around autumn or winter. I feel like this is about persistence, because even though the surroundings tell them that they cannot practice, they still do. They find some skies with wheels on that behave like normal skies, and then they walk on normal roads in the middle of the summer.

Then they travel to other parts of the world in which you can find snow and practice there. And then they go to the gym to grow their muscles so that they can become even better.

Even though the environments and the weather tell them that it is no time for skiing, they know that that isn't true, and if they want to be the best, then they need to work out anyway!