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RE: Raked over a hot BBQ

in #personal4 years ago

Living the High Life with a luxury grill.

I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about returning 'broken' or 'incomplete'. The sale was for a complete and useable item. I don't want anything that I don't have coming but I want every single thing that I do have. If the store makes me feel bad about it then I may not return.

I've returned a few things to Amazon. No shaming, no guilt, no cost. That Bezos might be on to something...

Name day. Actually seems sorta cool.


If the store makes me feel bad about it then I may not return.

This is was my position as a salesperson. I didn't work on commission, so it was always in my best interest to have my customers with the best product for their needs. If they needed to return (even if they didn't like what they had bought), that is fine by me. I taught my small team the same and we had very loyal and trusting customers.

I've returned a few things to Amazon. No shaming, no guilt, no cost. That Bezos might be on to something...

Yep, I think there is the sense of anonymity, and people can buy all kinds of things without having to worry about social implication - although Bezos knows everything.

Name day. Actually seems sorta cool.

I have adopted one based on a middle name - no one remembers it - because I am foreign I bet... ;D