@Mojubare's Top Three of the week in the Project HOPE community (Edition 10)

in #ph-review4 years ago

Welcome to my weekly top 3 project hope community posts, i am @mojubare, and i am your delightful host for the day.

Since the world health organisation has said that we might be living with this virus for a very long time, presidents and governors of countries and states respectively have been looking at easing the lockdown, although creating rules to keep people safe. So either the government in your country ease the lockdown or not, just stay safe. All that said, let's get to the business of the day.

Welcome to my Top three project hope community post.


I am a member of project hope community, a community that has been given users hope even in difficult times.

China and France test digital currencies. - @fucho80


In this post, @fucho80 looks at the adoption of the blockchain by government and how they are testing their own online currency and its important to the blockchain world.

You can read the post by clicking here

Do not spend from your capital: 3 ways to separate your personal and business finances! - @focusnow


Starting a business is one thing, not spending this business capital is another thing. We need to understand that business funds are different from personal funds and they should be handled separately
This post talks about three ways to avoid touching your business capital.

You can read more about the post here

The Most Valuable Corporation in History - The Dutch East India Company- @ben-edom


If you thought Amazon or Apple were the biggest corporations that ever existed, then you haven't heard of the Dutch East India Company. This was a corporation as big as a country. It had lots of influence in the world and even had its own army.

You can read it here here


If you are going through Hive/steemit everyday without visiting @project.hope then your journey is incomplete. Never miss project hope for anything.