My TOP 3: Review of Project Hope Community Publications (19/10 to 25/10/2020)

in #ph4 years ago

Hello, how are you today? I want to tell you a little bit about a community I'm a member of and with which I've been able to grow together with all the other users, it's called @project.hope you can visit it at any time. In this space all the users do the possible thing to support to us, commenting and voting our publications, the idea of everything is to be a very united community and I believe that we have obtained it.

I would like you to dare to visit us, you can leave me your opinion in the comments.



For that reason today I bring you my top 3 of the week, I think they are publications of great interest and quality. Take a look at them!



First of all we have our dear friend @josevas217 who brings us a quality publication, he doesn't talk a bit about some rules that we should know and put into practice when being part of these platforms, he doesn't talk about the importance of quality and not quantity when publishing. These are really important points that I think we should all read.

Here I leave you his link so you can rebice it:

Important points for building community on this platform


Secondly we have our friend @papa-mensa who brings us excellent recommendations on how to take care of and maintain our finances. I think it is a very important topic, nowadays many people do not know how to manage their money, so if you are one of them I recommend you to read this publication:

Comprehensive Explanation on how to Handle Personal Finance


And last but not least we have our friend @juanmolina who also brings us a very educational publication, he doesn't talk about the importance of comments in our community and of course in the whole platform, it is important to give value to publications with quality comments. He also mentions the fact that the quality of a publication is worth more than the amount of times you can publish.

It's not a competition, it's about providing good content and helping others. I leave you its link to visit it:

How much value could Subscribers bring to the Communities?


This is my top 3 this week, I hope you will join me in reading these publications, also it would be great if you join our community!




The emojis used are from Bitmoji

