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RE: My Nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - Comfort Food

in #phctop35 years ago

Awesome to see you jump in this month! Food is a great topic that everyone enjoys. I also enjoyed your "cheating" by picking genres, as that is something a lot of people can relate to, as well. I think my boyfriend is totally with you on the Mexican-American style. We don't eat out often, but if given the choice, that's what he will pick. I think I'd go for the Italian. Love some yummy pasta! Thanks for sharing your faves with us and good luck!


Thank you! It was really hard to pick just three. There are a lot of vices that I ended up leaving out. Even with picking genres!

Definitely tough to pick! After this much fun, I'm sure we'll have to hit food again at some point in future rounds to give another chance for drooling. ;)