Use Blocktrades for your Transactions! (As easy as 1-2-3)

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)

I was devastated upon knowing the story behind the humor of our fellow Steemian, Engineer and a friend, @dioncrediblehulk. In his latest blog, he advised us NOT to use the services of Poloniex right now or ever because of what had happened to his previous 90+ SBD which he could have used for his father's hospitalization. It totally crushed my heart knowing that I could have helped him if I only gotten the chance to tell him the easy steps of Blocktrades transaction before it's too late. And I can't help but blame my procrastination. I'm sorry @dioncrediblehulk for not being able to help you prevent this to happen. I also feel sorry for what you're going through right now. But I know you're a strong man with a brave heart. This will pass! With the help of your friends here in Cebu, we'll be able to save enough SBD to help you and your father's condition. To @steemph.cebu, it's a heart-warming experience to be a part of your community. And to you, Mr. @dioncrediblehulk, hope to see you real soon. You are very welcome here in the Queen City of the South, Cebu.

And since it all already happened, not just to him but maybe to most of you, I'm here to give you the EASIEST, HASSLE-FREE and SAFEST (by far based on my numerous transactions with blocktrades) I.C.U. Steps! You ready?


Okay, so first things first. Sign up to Blocktrades, click here. But if you already have an account, then log in here. Let me just show you mine for example.

Now, we're all set. Let's begin!


I assume, you're all now ready to get that money out from your screen. So, input that SBD right in there and make sure you do have that amount in your wallet. Hehehe. (In my case, I only have 20SBD which is allocated for my sister's tuition fee.) Next, is input your BTC wallet address as shown in the picture above.

If you don't know where to find your BTC Wallet address then don't worry I'm gonna walk you through. Hehehe.
Open your account and go to your BTC Wallet. This will be your receiving wallet upon transaction.

Just click on that then..

I accept donations. hahaha Kidding aside.

There you have it! Copy that and paste it to where you should input your BTC wallet address to complete your Step1.

Easy right? Now let's continue.


The great thing about the new updated BlockTrades transaction is that you don't have to input a memo to your Steemit wallet upon transferring the necessary SBD you need. You just have to use SteemConnect then voila! ready to transfer. And also, make sure to enter your username where it should be entered.

Ta-daaaa! That was pretty much easier compared to the manual transaction as shared to you by @jassennessaj some four months ago. I believe this new update (I mean, SteemConnect) was just 1 month old. Good thing BlockTrades had come up with this idea because I always hate copying memos so lengthy. Hahaha.

Ready to reap what you sow? Hmmm.

Here's the last step.


Update yourself for the money you will be receiving more or less 45 minutes from the time of completion of step 2. From time to time, check your BTC wallet for the incoming money and that's the most satisfying but sort of thrilling to do. Hahaha. Don't worry Blocktrades will surely give you your money.

Can you believe it? We're done! Isn't that the most LESS CRITICAL I.C.U. you've got to try? Hehehe. Of course, you can also make use of Bittrex but this will only do for those who already have an account as they are currently making a few upgrades to their support and back-end systems to handle the increased traffic and load.

I hope I was able to help you and please do share this to your friends. Thank you.

This has been @nikkabomb once again, saying "If you walk a mile in my shoe, you'll end up in a wine bar. Oops!".


I also lost some money due to this Poloniex fail. Hope they resolve it.

But to move forward, I just tested Blocktrades and I got a very bad conversion for the SBD I exchanged. On Coinmarketcap the price was 6,8$ when I transferred but Blocktrades gave me 6$. Did I do something wrong?

On Poloniex I lost nearly nothing in the conversion back when it was working ;-)

You did just right. If you have noticed in your transaction, there has a message for you regarding the fees. It usually is higher than any other market. But the good thing about Blocktrades is that it decreases its fee depending on how much sbd you transacted using blocktrades. Mine was 2.5 something when i started using blocktrades. Now after 5 transactions, the fee is down to .5. Hehehe Hope to have another way to resolve these issues on transactions. One potential solution is Bittrex. I just hope they'll accept new users prettty soon. hehehe

I also hope Bittrex lets new users in soon. Till then it's good to know that the fees decrease on Blocktrades the more I use it.


hi so sorry to hear about what happened to your friend and don't blame yourself. thanks also for this informative post. May I ask how much fee did you incur in the sale and transfer? thanks.

The transaction fee differ from each transaction as Blocktrades decreases your fees with increased transaction. Meaning, the more you use Blocktrades the lesser the fees. Well, the first fee was pretty much big. It was around 2 SBD. And now after my 5th transaction, my fees went down to 0.5SBD only. heheheThat's pretty much a good news to me while waiting for the availability of Bittrex, :)

yes, my bittrex account is still not active. thanks. will use of this in the future and will be ready for the fees. :D

thank you for this! @nikkabomb

You are very much welcome @elidy.balmes :)

Thank you for this @nikkabomb. As a new steemian, it is very helpful to us and those people who doesn’t have an account on Bittrex.

You're very much welcome @jeffsamson. I'm very glad I was able to help you. :) Please inform your other friends, too. Okay?

Sure, will resteemit. :)

Thanks @jeffsamson. This blog is for the uninformed steemian out there. And I'd be more than happy to have it resteemed. Thank you so much. <3

Thanks for this tutorial niks!!!!! This is very helpful :D

You're very welcome @smaeunabs. You've been using Bittrex for a couple of months, you may want to try Blocktrades and compare. You can have both then. hehehe

yes mu try nya ko. :I'll compare the trans fees. thanks niks

hahahaha yeah try it she. kay mu try pd kos bittrex once mu accept na silag new users haha

Is this easier than bittrex?

Yeah. Much easier than bittrex. But I guess it'll still depend on which one suits you best. You can try both then weigh your thoughts and discern well which one you'll go on with.

Will try this out soon! Bittrex still isnt accepeting new accounts this plat form might be much better 😁

Yeah. But soon when Bittrex will accept new users, I'll try to make a demo for both. So, our fellow steemian will have a clearer view about these two. hehehe

Thank you so much for showing us the easy steps @nikkabomb! Very informative and helpful especially for the new ones (like me) haha.

Sign up now to blocktrades dear. hehehe. Do you have already? you better have it coz your payouts will be coming soon. hehehe.

Yes I have! Haha. Ooops

that's great. hehehe

I have received lots of love from you guys in @steemph.cebu! Thank you talaga!

I just hope other newbies around Steemit won't have to experience the same pain that I felt. And I think they won't once they read this very informative blog of yours. This is helpful! Will start using Blocktrades from now on if not Bittrex.

You're welcome @dioncrediblehulk! All of us here in Cebu are hoping and praying for your father's fast recovery. See you real soon, sir.

Yeah, I hope it'll reach those newbies out there. And I'll keep you all updated with the means of transactions and necessary news about Blocktrades and Bittrex. :)

Thanks for the info @nikkabomb. This will help us a lot. More power 😍

You're welcome @gerel. Please spread the good news to your friends. I'll keep you updated with matters like this. <3 More powers to you too. :*

Yes I will. Thanks again 😍

💕😘 thankssss

Great post Nikka! I'm sure many will find this helpful 💗

Thanks @bearone 💕 It's my pleasure to help my fellow steemian. 😘

Thank you so much for this informative post ! Haha I'm testing the Blocktrade now, I hope it would succeed . Bless you!

Good luck on that @aalagenesis hehehe don't worry it'll be alright! Just make sure to input the correct BTC address or else it'll go to another acct 😂

I hope it's correct haha. It's been 40minutes since I transferred thru Blocktrade hahah. Kabado ako. Pero testing fee muna hihi. Thanks uli

You can check your transaction at the bottom part. Like this. IMG_8672.PNG Click that and check if you did input the correct BTc address hahaha Good luck!

Weee okay na :) super thank you !

was it as easy as 1-2-3 like I told you? 😂

Very helpful! This is one of the easiest steps by far! Thanks for sharing.

I feel sorry about what happened to @dioncrediblehulk, all the best to his dad.

Great job, @nikkabomb! This has been very informative. I am currently using bittrex but this is a great alternative. Thanks for sharing ☺

You can try using blocktrades then compare it with bittrex. A lil info tho, blocktrades will lower your fees depending on your deposits. Meaning the more you use blocktrades the lesser your transaction fees will be.

Mao na no ako gipaabot Niks. Thanks for sharing @nikkabomb.

But wait, need ko pa explain in actual eh eh he.

sure hehehe mag actual ta ana

thank you so much niks mao na ni ako gihulat.

mag actual ta puhon hahaha

Thank you for this information @nikkabomb this will be a big help when I withdraw my first payout :)

Keep posting!


Awe <3 Thanks @micch. Yeah you should try this. hehehe. But if you have Bittrex, you may want to use Bittrex , too. <3


Thanks nikks 😍

Wowww I really like this tips so thank you so much, I invite you to see my account and check out my posts!!!

Hello. Thanks. Yeah I saw your posts. It was really great. Steem on my friend.

And now i am enlightened ☺ thankyou to you. Your blog helped me a lot.

Yey that's great to hear. <3

A lot of people are still sending sbds to poloniex, which could have been easily prevented had they made a simple post on the issue or better send back the sbds from their steemit wallet. Ahrrgh!

Anyways, hard lessons learned. And thank you for the walkthrough. Will surely use blocktrades in the future. Never again to poloniex.

You could also use Bittrex. You may find it much better when it comes to fees. But in terms of faster transaction, Blocktrades wouldn't fail you. :) It's just a matter of choice and options. Well, in my case, I really wanna use Blocktrades for two reasons: 1. I am not logged in to Bittrex yet. 2. I like how they lower my fees after several transactions. :)

Good thing I ran across this one. There isnt any transaction fee is there? I mean for transferring sbd to blocktrades and then to your wallet

There is. hehehe. If you're a new user then the fees will surely bother you a bit hahaha. But it lessens as you transact more using blocktrades. Mine was 2 point something on my 1st transaction and now that im on my 6th transaction it's down to .5 sbd

This is a very valuable info for a new steemian like me. Thanks for sharing @nikkabomb. For other tutorials on how to cash out, sometimes it confuses me, but you made it simple and still very informative.

nice post thank you for sharing nikkabomb it help a lot.GOd bless you more