
Heheh.... I know what inspired it. I'm kind of a little annoyed with this whole Eckhart Tolle thing. I am trying to read more and watch more of him to see if I can "get" the attraction. I watched one about Awakening the Awareness yesterday and it kind of annoyed me a little bit. The reason... it was common sense to me. I got where he was going in like a couple of minutes. Yet he keeps on going on about it for much longer than that. I may have had a benefit of being raised by true hippies, having one parent very much into spirtualism and esoterica, and being a person myself who made up crap like he is saying for fun by myself and with my stoned friends. :) So it was pure common sense to me... I need to check out far more of his work as I suspect that was not a particularly useful sample. I will say the guy is way eloquent, and can deliver the idea far better than I could. Yet the entire thing to me had the value of seeing people get dogmatic over someone saying the sky is blue.

Anyway I know it was this annoyance that woke me up and inspired that poem. :)

Hahaha. I haven't listened or read anything by him except the random memes he was quoted in on Facebook when I was still frequenting the site. It seems, though, that most of the new age movement speakers are covering largely common sense ideas and then tweaking them to their own innerstanding, and sometimes to their own advantage and profit. Most of the new age speakers I've listened to come across very eloquent, and perhaps this is the actual attraction - the presentation. They give ideas that can be easily comprehended and then expound upon them in a very long-winded manner giving them the appearance of depth.