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RE: Living In Creation Is All That Is Left

in #philosophy3 years ago

The fact that We account for Our energy added explains the competition.  The making of money (that accounts for Our energy added) requires competition and rarely encourages cooperation.  On top of that, all money systems will promote the psychopaths amongst Us to the top.  As money = power, and psychopaths, as a rule, lust for power over Others, They will do literally anything to get and keep that power over Others, and being psychopaths, They will feel no remorse in killing, torturing, maiming, robbing, and defrauding to get and keep that power.  (Even in trade/barter systems of accounting for Our energy added, They will find ways of controlling needed things - water, seed, land, or any other thing which allows Them power over Others.)

So clearly the solution is to add free energy, making the accounting for Ours pointless.  And there are many free energy technologies that are hidden and suppressed, because the psychopaths at the top know the intimate relationship of money and energy.  I personally know of one...

If We remove money, cooperating to Ethically solve problems, Human society will blossom.


I agree completely and hope society will be ready for the leap in a timely fashion.... Thanks for dropping by