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RE: The illusion of appearances

I think religion and beliefs do in fact contain wisdom to them that was useful in someone's life. When I think of how Islam and Judaism treat the aftermath of someone's dying, I.E a time period to only grief is useful and considered wise when you remember that the concept of 5 stages of grief being relatively new.

However, there is an aspect of religion or how some people see religion that is like a Rorschach test in which they see what they want to see, or basically it is a reflection of themselves.


Yeah, right, I agree with what you say. I was not thinking, in fact, in religions when saying all this, I think that people can reconcile religion with deep thinking if they make use of reason, a case of this is that of Saint Augustine in Christianity, who says that it takes faith to believe, and reason to understand, but neither of the two alone.

I think we all have beliefs, and at a certain point, we have to get used to that because we don't know the whole truth, and no one owns the truth. But to the extent that we scrutinize our beliefs by reason, then we can move away from beliefs that are mere illusions, and closer to beliefs that are true.