Breaking the Surface

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Could the only way to be sane in an insane world actually require being crazy enough to do what everyone else thinks is impossible?

What if people need attention because they are scared to pay attention to themselves?

What if every single one of us is just a fractured thought in the mind of one being and we call it God?

What if greed is just a lack of self worth?

What if the simplest questions aren't asked to determine if you know the answer, but if you are going to be a problem or solution for the one asking? I.E. Are you happy?

Can you look at every single person you meet and accept that they have a perspective you will never 100% understand?

Do you love everyone or do you objectify people into being the focal point of an emotion you choose to feel?

Is any one person greater than any other person?

Are order and chaos just different perspectives of existence?

Can chaos be by design?

Can order be a coincidence?

Does it bother you to not know the answer to something?

Is it more or less bothersome to be wrong about what you thought the answer was?

Could right and wrong, yes and no, good and bad, and other firmly held convictions just be a matter of perspective?

What if an empath is just the universal balance to a psychopath?

What if the labels never mattered in the first place?

What if it all just works and we were never meant to understand it?

Free use image from Pixabay.


Good questions... and maybe that's really all existence is-- a series of questions leading to a different series of questions... all in endless iterations.

Seems like it sometimes.

Hey, wise word wizard, you've taken me way, way deeper into the cave, that's my mind. Gonna take the anti-gravity effects of sweet music vibrations to raise this golden pay dirt.
Wow! Thanks. Grabbing me bass and I'm going in.

@bilbop, did you get cave lost again?
Feels like it's been a while, but then,
Time always feels a bit strange to me,
That's why you keep it, and i'm wordly.

Thanks for asking my friend.
Lost in a cave is normal, being alone on the ranch with all the chores is totally a time burner.
My chef/wife was called to the handicap camp to train a new kitchen crew for the summer season.
Which she did for a week and then came home. Three weeks later the crew was failing and had their panties in a twist. Back she went and rode herd the rest of the season. Knowing her, I bet she was shaking her head and rolling her eyes a bit. All is well and the director, being very appreciative gave her a big bonus.

I must ponder these for some hours. They are deserving of much thought. I will be back to tell you what I have found tomorrow.

Right, we'll reconvene after our trip to the mental gym. Cheers!

17 Questions ........... and the answers are ??????? uhhh , hmmmm, just a minute .....wait on that ,,,, I just got distracted by a shiny object :)

The three hardest words to say in any language, "I don't know," but they are also the most freeing. I have asked myself and the Universe all of these questions and more. Thanks for sharing.

I only know what I can know and I don't know what I don't. :) Great outlook!

Thanks. It works for me anyway.

what,why,how these are the main culprits here and our pre occupied self beliefs are the base for these questions.

What if everything around us is an illusion?!?

:) Could be.

I'm actually thinking I might do a post of the answers to these questions...I have some great sunset shots from the last week so I could make it a photography/philosophy post, lol. Link back to yours of course...actually to insure that at least some people would come to your post I won't include the questions (even if they'll be a part of some of the answers) and maybe even challenge people to make their own post of answers- Collabing with Clayboyn lol.

That would be awesome! I'm good at asking questions, but sometimes I forget to find the answers because I'm thinking of the next question. :)

My mind is whirring with all these questions! Great questions to ponder by the way :) Resteeming this!

I always love making these posts! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Damn man, that makes my head hurt. You could do a single post on every one of those questions. Does it bother you to not know the answer to something? - I guess so because I can't answer a lot of these questions.

some very good questions, you should start a blog for that :D followed upvoted :)