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RE: Making Up The Numbers

in #philosophy6 years ago

I don't know if we're here for a purpose, at least I cannot imagine what that purpose could be, however it seems obvious that there is much being hidden from us, perhaps in an attempt to deny us knowledge of our destiny, of the why.
There are so many things unknown, so many questions not only unanswered but not even asked. There are so many mysteries which are not explained by the official historical narrative, from pyramids to evidence of lost cities, floods and a Europe-wide mudslide to name a few.
It seems there is a concerted effort to keep us divided, to poison us, to mislead and misdirect us, to make us dependent and to dumb us down.
The problem is most don't see that we are being manipulated from behind the curtain. Most believe what they see and they don't see much.
Yes, we've wasted too much time already but I don't see that changing, at least not in my lifetime.


I've got no idea what the purpose could be either but I look at a world where we are encouraged to disregard our intuition in favour of learned behaviours and my gut tells me to go with my gut. I believe theres something more to life not because I'm told there is or because I want there to be but because I feel it within myself. I could be wrong of course but I trust myself more than I trust anyone else at this point. :)

I dont see any major changes taking place in my own lifetime either in regards to changing the current paradigm of deception unfortunately while there is so much apathy within our society and so many things to keep us distracted and ignorant to reality. :(