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RE: I don't owe you anything... You may form a gang and take it by force, but that still does not mean I OWED it.

in #philosophy7 years ago

My intention was not to rant against businesses. All businesses and business owners behave differently (some more successful than others). I was simply explaining how the economy works and how money flows through the economy. The reason the rich get richer is because the people who perform labor give up part of the revenue they generate to them. That is just the math behind how the economy works. If you look at the overall big picture of the state of the US economy today (not just USA many other countries also), you can see where most of the money that the Gov and the Federal Reserve (and banks) have created has ended up. The reason most of the money is at the top is because that is how the economy is designed to work. So complaining about gov taxes is only a part of the overall problem.