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RE: MY DEFINITION: Who are the 0.01%? If we're going to deal with them they must be defined.

in #philosophy7 years ago

I disagree. I see diversity as artificial. I care what a person does, what their skills are, what they think, if they are a decent person. I don't give a shit about their race, gender, sexual preference, etc. The push for diversity actually creates division as far as I can tell. I am 100% for meritocracy. Don't give a shit about your hair style, religion, political affiliation, etc. Can you do the job? Do you have a decent personality? Do you treat people that disagree with you like a human or do you treat them like a cockroach you need to squash?

I am becoming increasingly angered by the artificial forcing of diversity.


I'm with you on this.

Even though I don't care about hairstyles, though, if someone applies to work at my business with those earlobe stretching plugs, I'm not hiring them!

Hahah... it depends on the job. In the field I work in I don't care at all what a person looks like. I only care how good they can do the job, that they have the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems, and they are passionate about it.

Good point. When I've had to hire it was always for front-end retail type stuff.

Even so, there's something about those ear things that bothers me... If we're only allowed one prejudice in this life I'm gonna choose that one.

What about people that have stretched their neck wear rings? Or how about people that have used boards to have their head shape changed from youth? Or how about people in the Amazon that wear penis sheathes? :)

Those guys can work in the back room. ;-)