The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy...

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)


I find it interesting that so many people don't believe conspiracy theories happen. It is almost like there is a conspiracy to condition people to immediately turn off their brain as soon as those two words are written, or uttered.

If I break it into big gaps between these words CONSPIRACY .............................................. THEORY
Did the distance between those words protect you?

Or did you still feel the walls go up?

I get it

I totally get it. There are a lot of crazy conspiracy THEORIES out there. The people may totally believe them, yet that does not mean they are true.


There is a logical fallacy that occurs where people make a generalization. If one or several conspiracy theories are false and crazy then they condition their minds to believe that all conspiracy theories are false and crazy.



Why would you limit your mind and allow anyone or anything to control you with the utterance of two words?

It makes me think of a hypnotist tapping you on the forehead and saying SLEEP.... The difference is they simply say CONSPIRACY THEORY.


Have you considered that conspiracies do happen? Have you considered that most things are theories until they are proven or disproven? Have you considered that even official stories are in fact themselves also conspiracy theories? If the evidence is destroyed, and the perpetrators cannot be questioned then all that remains as a theory that hopefully is at least based on some type of probability.

Me and Conspiracy Theories

I spoke in my introduceyourself months ago that I can sometimes put on a tinfoil hat, though I joked and called it a tinfoil faraday cage. Yet, I approach conspiracy theories as simply that a theory. In actuality if we were to follow the scientific method what I speak about are actually Conspiracy Hypothesis.


Conspiracy Hypothesis

If I begin referring to my musings, questions, and things I am pondering as Conspiracy Hypothesis do you think people's conditioned reflex to put up mental shields against ideas that might be a mental virus or parasite might cease?

Can people ASK crazy questions without people shutting down their minds? Asking a question is a probing thing. It does not indicate belief. I can ask a lot of intentionally crazy questions for fun. It is like creating a maze and adventure.

This is a rambling chaotic blog on Conspiracy Theory, but it hopefully accomplishes the crazy idea that inspired me to write it.

Not So


EDIT: @doubledex told me about the following video... I haven't seen it but am watching it now:


There's a great documentary called 'The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy' on YouTube. The author of this blog probably has seen it but for anyone else reading this, it's worth a watch.

Actually no I haven't seen it. I simply see some mental walls when people are talking about the words Conspiracy Theories. You can hear that they consider the term derogatory. They were not even talking about a specific theory or example, I could hear the condescension and derision in their voice when mentioning those two words without even having a target. I was watching a video so they were not even talking to me, yet it inspired me to say something.

Well it seems your critical reasoning facilities are all in good working order :) I agree with you completely, the very use of the words 'conspiracy theory' have been co-opted and now deride any argument in an instant. Great post, thanks!

Interesting analysis / thoughts. In my experience I notice when reporters do not want to find the truth they refer to something as a conspiracy theory. When they do want to find the truth they use the language follow the story or investigation

Certain words have been made to become taboo and create cognitive dissonant reactions when individuals are approached even with logic. Another fun taboo word is Anarchy. People hear these words and freak out because they've been taught by the media that these words are something they are not.

I really like your idea of using conspiracy hypothesis, but wonder if the word "conspiracy" is the actual trigger or if its the phrasing? If the phrasing is the issue, then changing theory to hypothesis will certainly catch many, but there of course will always be those select few who will still freak out.

I love your work! It's a shame that your rewards do not match the quality of your writing consistently.

This reminds me of the first few episodes of Better Call Saul :)

I believe that our media has conditioned us to believe that conspiracy theories are almost always untrue.

There is no question that our media is biased, so why wouldn't it make sense that they are being fed information to cover undesirable events?

It doesn't help that extreme conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones are first in people's minds when conspiracy theories are concerned. Any more than "Westboro Baptist Church" is seen as being a Christian organization and tarnishing others beliefs of what Christianity is.

I am positive the government has covered up a lot of shady operations and things like Guantanamo and other scandals that would likely be swept under the rug without wikipedia and the like.

Keep up the good work @dwinblood hope you are possibly able to attend the steem test in amsterdam

Not this year... no money and I need to work out some passport issues. I am working on that. Be sure to blog both text, image, and video from it if you can. I'll be there in spirit.


Calling them "theory" gives them too much credit.

You are making a generalization. Which one? Who is "them"? Go to a dictionary and check out the definition of the words Conspiracy, and Theory, and if possible both words together. They have a very specific meaning. If you understand those definitions conspiracy theories happen and are often true. There are also a lot of them that are stupid. In fact, people are charged with conspiracy in a court of law frequently. Until the court session is done it is a theory. The words conspiracy and theory have been hijacked to cause a Pavlovian response to those two words. Conspiracies happen. Theory does not mean true.

There are also some really stupid conspiracy theories. Spend a little time speaking with a Schizophrenic and you'll get some great ones. That does not mean that anytime you hear a conspiracy theory that it is wrong and that you should put up mental barriers. We all should have the ability to LISTEN and then use our own brains and knowledge to make a decision. These days the phrase "conspiracy theory" is used as often as "you must have faith" to shut people down. Shutting down our minds when we hear two words is not logical or rational.

Are you familiar with the term GIGO?

Yep, and when used on people I don't believe it. It is a logical fallacy to assume it is all garbage. It's called a generalization. So despite how cool it may sound to say it, it does not make it any more rational than the conspiracy theorist who truly believes everything they say is true even though all it is is speculation. Anyone becoming dogmatic and closing their ears and going NAH NAH NAH is sadly a fool. I sift through garbage. :) I've found some interesting things. Sure most of it is garbage, but not always. :)

Humans are generalizing animals. Our ability to recognize patterns, to generalize, is one of our greatest strengths. It's kept us alive.

remember Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

You hit the nesting limits. Humans are emotional animals too. That doesn't mean emotions are the solution and trump logic. Generalizations are usually false. The purpose of generalizations is NOT to shut our brains down. It is to consider probabilities. If you think it is highly probable there are no conspiracies you can choose to live that way. It'd be rather foolish as history has proven plenty of them. So I doubt you are actually one of those. There is a big difference between being HIGHLY probable and being NO. Absolutes are rarely true.

Extraordinary claims is a subjective term. Whether you consider it extraordinary or not depends a great deal on what knowledge you have, what environment you are in, what your job is, what kinds of information you have access to, etc. It certainly could be extraordinary to some based upon information and environment. The native Americans found it rather extraordinary when they saw huge ships landing on the shore of America.

Generalizations are usually false.
is that a generalization?
it sure seems like one.
is it false?

Absolutes are rarely true
Aha! another generalization which you claim are generally false.

Generalizations are usually false. is that a generalization? it sure seems like one. is it false?

Absolutes are rarely true
Aha! another generalization which you claim are generally false.

Hmmm. You don't know what a generalization is I see. As neither of those were. Rarely does not mean never. Usually does not mean always.

Had I used either of those words you'd have a point. Thank you for playing. :)


When you said Hmmm. You don't know what a generalization is I see.

You Changed the definition in which the author states:

16. Redefining words: debater uses a word that helps him, but that does not apply, by redefining it to suit his purposes, like Leftists calling government spending “investment.” “Life” and “choice” are words that have been warped by abortion antagonists

When you said Thank you for playing you invoked Rule Five of Alinsky's rules for radicals in which he states.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

Imagine that. Two logical fallacies in one reply!

I bow to a master of deceit. I withdraw from the field, a sadder but wiser man.
