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RE: Prince of Peace, God of War | Original Teachings of Jesus & the Imperial Religion of Christianity

What's your course for original teaching of Jesus? Because the first known bible is from about 500Ac.... lol with a wrong picture made of a white dude... hahahahahaha

Not too mention, many version are clear modified so the ruling class can rule them as sheep.

Westerners are funny, don't like Arabs, but love their religion.

I believe in the ancient Irish river gods & Valhalla myself.. 🤣


I understand there are no complete manuscripts from before the Roman Empire took over the religion, and I see much evidence for tampering and corruption of the Bible by the Roman Empire, so agree with you that much of what we have in the modern Bible is modified to suit the ruling class.

My understanding of the original teaching of Jesus is based off the Sermon on the Mount, the writings of the pre-Constantine early Christians, many of whom quote sayings of Jesus found in the gospels we have (and other lost sayings), and the tradition of the early Jewish Christians reflecting the teaching of James the Just, the brother of Jesus, of which there is much more historical record than Jesus himself.

Whether based on the true original teaching of Jesus or not, the early Christians understood the Christian message as one of peace and practiced lifestyle of pacifism, contrary to the later organized religion that rose up out of the Roman Empire.

It may be impossible to know with certainty what those original teachings were, but it seems the core message is found in the Sermon on the Mount, and it is a spiritual message that closely aligns with other ancient teachers and philosophies such as the Buddha, Pythagoras, and the Essenes who were even around at the time Jesus is said to have walked the earth..

Regardless of the true author(s) of this message of peace, it is the message much more so than the messenger that matters to me...

I am personally no fan of organized religion, but do consider knowledge of spirituality and metaphysics a mysterious reality worth pursuing.

I never knew those facts, i didn't know he had a brother "James the Just", cool... then in modern times, we know that by DNA the bloodlines are linked, so that's really cool, so I'm guessing their family is still with us now...

I like your logic and respect for the truth, agreed 100%!

Will be looking into this in the future, interesting new facts I didn't know. Yeah, all the "gods" bring something good I feel.