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RE: One Foot In Front

in #philosophy7 months ago

Sometimes intuition doesn't make sense in the slightest, but you logic your way through to detriment. I have been learning this over a period of time but a bad case happened recently (last few years) where I ignored literal years of very powerful gut feel/intuition that made literally no logical sense whatsoever and everything blew up a few steps short of the worst.

and it doesn't matter how it's justified, the fact is that despite the fact it made literally no logical sense and "nobody could have seen it coming", I knew and didn't follow up

And other times brains are definitely just stupid and stupidly literally scared stupid over the stupidest of stupid things XD

Smallsteps sounds a bit like a friend's kid. In friend's kid's case it didn't get better and they didn't grow out of it, they're just having to learn to work around it as they realise that they're severely limited if they'll only ever do things that they are sure they'll get perfectly correct the first time without ever making any mistakes at all (and academically they even know that this is stupid but sometimes even knowing doesn't help in the slightest). Hopefully Smallsteps is able to use the discussions and things to formulate her own little lifehacks :D