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RE: The #philosophy Review 12.6.2016

in #philosophy8 years ago

I would like to address the obvious and familiar question: "is the relativity of truth itself relative?" This seemingly quick refutation suggests that if the relativist position itself is nonrelative, then it is false. But this does not refute the relativist position. Rather, it suggests that it is unstable. And "unstable" does not necessarily mean impossible.

First, I would like to present a few definitions for Truth.

A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.

  1. actuality or actual existence.
  2. an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
  3. accuracy, as of position or adjustment.

I would first like to contend that relativism and the truth are not compatible. It is universally accepted that the sky is blue, the sun is bright, and 1+1=2. These are objective truths that are not a matter of opinion.

I will give a simple analogy to demonstrate my point:
Tom: 1+1=2
Jack: No, 1+1=3
David: It is both 2 and 3.
My opponent is making a claim that is the equivalent of David's. And since 1+1 obviously equals 2. My opponent's resolution is negated.

There are laws in this world that are indisputable. Gravity exists, you can empirically experience it. It is indisputable that it exists. You can make the claim that it is some magical glue that is making us stick to earth, but the truth is absolute, gravity exists. We are all bound by it, it is not a matter of opinion.

The wavelength of blue is not subjective to MY interpretation of wavelength. It is what is universally agreed upon to label the characteristics and wavelength of blue. The color blue is blue. I can claim that blue is red, but that does not change the fact that blue is, in fact, blue. The lower case of A is a. You can claim that the lower case of A is b, but in fact, the lower case of A is a. That is objective truth.

If Josh has 1 apple, and I give him another one, he has two apples. Again, you can claim that Josh has 8 apples, but the fact of the matter is Josh has 2 apples. The number of apples Josh has is not relative. He has 2 apples. Not 3 or 4, but 2.

P1: Josh has 1 apple
P2: I give Josh another apple
P3: Josh has 2 apples.
:: Therefore josh has 2 apples. Not 3 or 4. The number of apples Josh has is not relative, it is a fact.

::Objective Accuracy::
P1: On 9/11, two planes hit the twin towers.
P2: There is an article on 9/11 that claims two planes crashed the twin towers.
P3: The article was accurate.
:: Therefore, the claim two planes hit the twin towers, is both accurate and true.

::Relative Accuracy::
P1: On 9/11, two planes hit the twin towers.
P2: There is an article on 9/11 that claims Godzilla destroyed the twin towers.
P3: The article was inaccurate.
:: Therefore, the claim that Godzilla destroyed the twin towers is both inaccurate and false.

"An example to help make my point: it is an objective truth that light is a wave, but it is also an objective truth that light is a particle. Whether it operates as a wave or a particle is relative to an observer's frame of reference [4]."

Hint: Light is both a wave and a particle. It is an objective and absolute truth.
The observer's frame of reference does not negate the fact that light is indeed a wave and a particle.

"A final example: it is an objective truth that you are involved in this debate with me. But a hundred years ago, this would not have been objectively true because, in all probability, you and I would not have been born yet. As such, this truth is relative to the particular place in time that an observer occupies."

This argument is utter nonsense. What does it matter if this debate was not an objective truth 100 years ago? Just because 1,000 years ago people thought the earth was flat, does not mean that the truth that the earth is spherical is not an absolute truth.

In conclusion, my opponent is arguing that because people can be ignorant of the truth, it must be relative. This is nonsense. You can say gravity is nonexistent and that the law of gravitation is an opinion, but the fact and truth is that gravity exists and is absolute. Opinions are relative. Truth, laws, and facts are not.

As my opponent is instigator claiming that the truth is relative, the burden of proof lies with him, but we see how he cant dispute one single thing only dances around the subject in his games.
