In this world, we are all anonymous.
You think you know me, you think you know what I am like? Do you think you know what your friend is like, your family?
I was talking with a friend last night who said, "I don't trust many people", and I replied you don't trust anyone.
This may require a tiny bit of clarification but before I do that, do you trust anyone? Who are they and why do you trust them?
Flaws in judgement
So, the reason we don't actually trust anyone is because who we are actually trusting is ourselves. We are trusting our ability to judge someone's character based on the way we have read the cues exhibited. We transcribe our trust to someone after we have evaluated them through our filters.
Nearly everyone thinks that they are a good judge of character yet time and time again this is proven false as others 'break trust'. No one can break your trust, all they can do is act differently to your evaluation and point out the conflict. The blame of broken trust lays solely on the individual who feel that they have been wronged.
Who was in the wrong really as if you look at the act of breaking trust, it is actually that someone behaved differently than expected and to say they are in the wrong is to say that they should conform to your expectations. What happens to 'be yourself' when in practice that means 'as long as you do what is expected of you'?
Cooperation and punishment
This is the problem with trust as it is really only a one-sided concept but involves more than one person. It is the cooperation between numbers that builds a community and for that cooperation to take place, it does require having trust in each, even though it is only the trusting of one's own opinion of the other.
We have evolved as social beings that have been successful because of our ability to form groups and work together toward a common goal. This cooperation is dependent on having the belief that each participant will act in the best interest of the group and most do as to do otherwise, is to lose the support of the group.
This worked well for many millennia and we developed personal strategies to gather, assess and apply our opinionated trust. It worked so well because interaction was face to face, groups were small, each relied on the others for a range of skills and the cost of non-cooperation meant ostracisation, and that is a fate akin to death in a hostile environment where other groups are much more likely to kill a stranger than welcome them in.
Can I trust you, stranger?
This has changed massively though as a lot of interaction is faceless, the groups are enormous, skills can be bought and non-cooperation has no penalty as there are always options for survival after ostracisation.
The problem now lays in the situation that we are designed for community but, there are none of the checks and balances to keep bad actors within from acting against best interests. Not only that but because of the size and diversity of the groups, if one acts badly, there is always another group that has enough distance to not know of the transgressions.
This anonymity and ability to join numerous groups is how conmen and snake oil salesmen are able to stay in business. They only need the trust to last long enough for them to swindle and then they move along to the next town and new marks. And, they too have developed strategies to play on the evaluation mechanisms, develop favourable expectations and win the trust of people.
Low risk, high reward, poor skills
It is an art form of deception and manipulation that is carefully crafted to normally satisfy the best interests of the individual over that of others. And, we have designed the perfect ecosystem to support it, the internet. It is an environment that facilitates scam through anonymity and reduction in assessment points while degrading the skills necessary to detect such things.
It is also a place that pushes heavily toward materialistic tendencies and since it is largely experienced alone, the opportunity for selfish greed is higher. For those that partake in the deception at the expense of others, there is the added benefit that one need not see the damage and harm caused. It gamifies society and community and makes winning much more individual and reward based without attention to civic duty.
All of these behaviours and interactions fascinate me at Steemit. It is the reason why people give their owner keys out in chat, or send SBD to some random exchange account expecting return or think that some whale is actually asking for their help and it requires some cost action on their part.
Those that fall for the scams are those who look at the indicators, evaluate the situation as favourable and deem it worthy of the risk considering the return. What they don't consider is that their own greed colours their assessment and accentuates the positives and twists the negatives until they are no longer relevant.
Delusional relationships
Now, back to the start for a moment. Have you ever had your trust 'broken' by a person you care about? Was it because they didn't act like themselves, or was it because you evaluated 'who they are' badly? Why did you evaluate badly if you are such a good judge of character? Greed.
You wanted something from them didn't you? You wanted their status, power, body, love... you built up expectations based on what you wanted them to deliver and when they failed, you blamed them. Again, who is behaving badly? The one who acts on their nature or the one who expects someone else to behave against their own nature?
Trust is a complex system that is full of a wide range of variables that are very hard to predict when they influence upon each other and as contexts and circumstances change. Remember that when you place your trust in someone, it is a contract between your evaluations and expectations, not them, as they will do as they do. When your trust is broken, it was your evaluations and expectations that were poorly aligned with who they actually are.
Is that their fault?
[ a Steemit original ]
I have a lot more to say about this topic as it is an area that interests me but you have read enough for now.
I like that this topic is raised today coz I was having a conversation with a friend and we talked extensively in trust as it cuts across all aspects of our lives, but we spoke extensively with regards to marriage and broken homes.
It was a fun conversation as he was able to convince me on the reason he has lost trust in humanity. According to him, he has been stabbed a million times in the back (I wonder why he is still alive though...lolzz).
Well for me I don't trust anyone as well but what I am very good at doing is giving people the benefit of doubt...I will let you prove to me how trust worthy you are or how untruat worthy you are.
It's good to give people a chance even though you don't trust them. Give them that chance and watch them closely and with that you will be able to know those you can trust and those you can't with the outcome of their actions.
You will know who is likely to act accordingly and who is not. :)
That's an interesting viewpoint. I think trust is indeed closely related to the expectations you have of someone. It takes time to build trust, since you really have to know the tendencies of the other and have to build a close relationship with each other before you can start to expect certain things from them. Trust in that sense is being sure that the important expectations will be met. Can I fault them for the moments that they break my trust? Perhaps... Perhaps I'd have to change my views on the amount of trust I can invest in our relationship, and perhaps that would redefine the relationship as a whole... If my best friend didn't for example show up on the funeral of a family-member, that would have an impact on my trust of him being there for me in times of need. I would see myself blaming him for that too... But then again, trust isn't a word with a stable, constant definition. It changes over time, and that's just how it is.
Pretty hard topic to think about in my opinion :)
Yes, it is much more fluid than people seem to think and it is defined by so many conflicting factors that will shift on circumstances. It is difficult to think about but at the same time, a lot rides on our ability to evaluate who is suitable for cooperation with and who is not.
Something I have noticed; you help, support, comfort and again help an other person. Refuse to do something once and you'll be an arse for a long long time. Sometimes people just get used to your favours and these favors become obligations and the person starts to think that you owe him/her something. And then it only needs one time when you refuse to do as they ask.. And it doesn't matter if their request was unreasonable in the first place.
people get used to support fast and then feel they are entitled to it forever. It is very common here.
For the last year I have been, temporarily, living with my Father ~ my mother died a short while back, he was lonely and we had stuff to sort out. A win/win situation.
The reason I tell you this is that my father is not the man I thought he was!
I have always been close to my parents but hadn't lived with them since my early 20's.
My point here is how can anyone truly trust anyone when it is so easy to misinterpret someone's true character?
These days I put all my trust in my husband, Rick, and my spiritual team in the ether!
That way I can no longer be disappointed when folks fall short of my, unfair exacting standards :)
This subject is fascinating ~ a challenging read.
"I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person. “ - Bill Murray. This is a funny quote, but there is truth to it. It's almost a comedic take on the Philosopher Diogenes of Sinope
I think the only sane approach is to just assume someone is going to break your trust, someone that you care about, it's only a matter of degree. If you want to remain a social creature you just have to develop thick skinned, decide what you can live with and what you can't in terms of others flaws. Is the person who broke your trust is a flawed friend or an enemy is the ultimate question, and if you decide they are a flawed friend, then forgive them and move on.
hard to give confidence to someone, let alone the hardness of the hard person in the spar now, including family
I look forward to reading more of your thoughts about this, as I really enjoyed this piece.I was just talking the other day with some friends about how expectations are what disappoint you, not people....It's what we expect of them. and you're right, we set certain expectations based on our own selfish desires. But how can we not? It's natural to want, to need.
And no, it's not their fault, but they probably do this with other people, too. They expect because they they're not without blame. No one is.
I really, really loved this.
That's an interesting post. in my point of view, trust is something about attitudes when you associate a person with whom you spend a long time, you will know are they people of trust or not? related the expectations . It takes time to build trust, since you really have to know the caracteristiques of the other and have to build a close relationship with each other before you can begin to expect certain things from them
trust is complex. It’s your own thoughts and those aren’t the truth it’s a thought you have that can easily change or be changed but never necessarily true. You can also want to trust and that can make you think you can trust. But again thoughts aren’t facts-
I think it depends on the situation, who's to blame for a break of trust. If i expect someone to be like I want him/her to be then i can blame myself for that. There are however social conventions established within society, if we never communicated to not follow these conventions, then the one knowing about the conventions and breaking it can be blamed for that. When we clearly communcated values/behavior and stuff and agreed on it, and someone breaks the "contract" he/she clearly is to blame. And thats why we should never blindly expect but communicate our whishes and values. I do however trust nobody completely, even not my self because i know how a humans mind and eyes can be fooled or fools themselves. I think that is a healthy thing to do in order become more objective on everything. Trust has to be gained first, but will never be on 100%. There is trust in my parents that they love me (it was there from the start of my life) but i don't trust them with everything because i know them. There are situation i had to trust/take the risk, like when i had heart surgery. But generally i only trust in facts and validation and this also just 80%.
Very good question because i do not have the answer. Has my trust been broken? No.
But i believe people are bound to disappoint you, because if they don't they won't be human after all.
I don't even trust myself completely, how will i then trust someone else.
Its just like you said
Situations and circumstances will always change and most of our decisions are based on these factors. So when giving your trust, take into cognizance that there is a possibility of it being broken. That way you save yourself a lot of heartache.
That said, I'll wait for you to throw might light on this issue of trust.
The major reason why people often don't give their trust so easily to someone is cause of a past experience. I think limiting one's high expectation from a person will help to avoid oneself getting disappionted and we should also not shut down one out cos our instinct says so.
We should try and give everyone the benefit of doubt cos the person we trust more may be the one to break our trust and those we trust less may end up being trustworthy. I think what we ought not to trust is our instinct cos it might be misleading
Nice post thanks for sharing @tarazkp
I grew up thinking everyone disliked me, for who I am, so I built these walls around me to protect myself. I am extremely paranoid, and suspicious of every actions of people around me, even a mere question sets my paranoia ticking. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, every now and then, but I keep my eyes open, even when I'm sleeping.
i dont trust people completely !
i trust either more or less
this is actually more like what trust is, a probability/confidence level.
at begining there is less trust
if they repayed there will be more !
I don't trust many people. I trust my family and I trust my boss to pay me. Other than that I think it's safer to only trust people who have demonstrated they are trust worthy
Taking the thesis one step forward:
Could the ability to trust be a survival mechanism? It doesn't mean being blind to whether other can be trusted on not. This actually becomes irrelevant.
Instead, we can focus on what we can do to improve our lives/situations. The ability to trust becomes the willingness to believe things can get better.
We are a social species, yes. At its highest most rarefied level, trust includes an unquenchable desire to reach out to others and to make them part of this endeavour - even when they prove time and time again that they cannot keep their word. Yes, trust is about -our- expectations, not those of other people.
The desire to improve, to experiment, to try is born of the belief that change is possible. Hope is another definition of trust. As long as someone is able to believe in something, even if it is only his or her ability to earn rent, there's a degree of trust involved.
At its basic level, trust drives the instinct to struggle. Why struggle if you don't believe things can get better? It doesn't matter what one wants or needs - food, water, money, a mate, recognition, to travel to space...whatever we do to get these involves an element of hope, a trust that change is possible.
This is an awesome motive blog.I got learn so new knowledge from this blog.And i appreciate your photo,which you include this blog.
Very good writting.
Keep it up
I put my trust in this comment as it was 100% specifically written to you and meant what it said. 😄 😄
Awesome that somebody learns new knowledge from a post which isn't meant to provide knowledge but to raise questions and wants to trigger thinking.
I do trust my family and I think so far my trust has been repayed.
I easily trust people and have no reason to judge you or care less about what others say about you. Unless the particular acted below my expectation and only then i remove my trust completely
So, really what we need to trust is ourselves and our ability to handle someone violating how we expected them to behave.
excellent photography...
According to me nowadays trust is very hard to come by.. So one should make sure that u get your circle tight and don't get into the trust issues later on...
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