Frontier. Colonizing

in #philosophy3 months ago

Frontier building.

The Hive Name.png
Generations had past since the ship had left Earth. Finally generations later the old ship arrived at a new planet. New to them at least.

Unknown if this was a side effect of space travel or genetic make up. Life expectancy of the crew had increased with each generation.

Orbital observations of the planet were carried out for a few months. Gravity was stronger than that of earth. Stronger than the artificial gravity generated by the ship rotation. It would take a few generations to adjust to the planets gravitation.

The risk from new disease was the highest concern. Strict protocols on wearing protective suits and exoskeletons were employed.

The first decision made was to establish an area on the planet they could use as a base.

A high altitude for the first landing was chosen. Less fuel would be needed to regain orbit from the top of a mountain.

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The first ship sent was a work crew. Their job was to cut from the mountain a foundation for other craft and personal to use. although run in simulations time and time again. With a higher frequency as they approached the solar system. This was the first time lives were at real risk.

Just over one third was removed from the back of the mountain. Leaving a wide space which could be built on. Anchor point were secured to the remaining face of the mountain at various heights. These were also added to the floor and the lower sides of the mountain, below the flattened surface.

A second crew arrived to weld sheets of metal to the secured points and construction of the new base began. Crews working through the night would light up the sky with their welding torches and lighting equipment.

The construction was simple. A big square cut from the mountain. It extended over the edge and supported by anchored points below. It was a wide space with metal walls on two sides ad the front. The back wall showed the face from the top of the mountain.

The front of the construction was the same made from metal sheets. It also had a sliding door which folded when moved to the side. The next crew would fit the electronics and motors. These would fit the doors and roof to the construction with electronic opening devices. The roof would be used if ships larger than a standard transport or cargo ship was needed.

A construction crew also arrived to build areas for quarters and offices for filling reports.

This work went quick, as the electricians finished the doors and roof. They began on lighting for the area. As quarters and offices got built they moved to them. A crew arrived for each job as needed and the whole thing took less than a week.

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As the work finished people began to return to the orbiting ship. A technician remained setting up computer consoles in each of the buildings. Testing each and their connection to the network. Another hour or so and he would be finished.

The last few consoles left and he would be out of there. Then Murphy's law kicked in and short a cable. Glancing around he it did not jump out at him. With 10 minutes of searching gone by and no treasure found. Just grab another from the transporter became the solution.

While retrieving the cable. His haste to finish, he did not notice the cable had caught some canisters and as he walked away. A few fell, Jumping with the scare from the clanging of falling canisters. Relief found and a smile to himself and the jump.

Exiting the transporter he had missed one canister and this tripped him on the way out of the transporter. The scream that came out when he slipped echoed in the new construction. Curled over grabbing his ankle. He knew it was broken. Another scream went out, not from the pain but rage of frustration. He was going to need help to get back to the ship. There is no way he could pilot the transporter with his ankle like this. Another painful scream as he tried to move back in to the transporter.

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It reminds me of the wrongly called "America Discovery" by the Spaniars, the spaniars come to America only to steal, rob, killed and abuse the native indians and that had very bad cultural consequences as well see even today

the post originate here.

Each post since has been the same story. You are right in the resemblance. The story does jump from one side to the other. From your comment and looking back, many similarities are not intentional. But it basically that story and the story of God combined.
Titles with Muati or On the other Hand. They are a simplified theory of a people less advanced than us might be like.

I hear that clearly on the Columbus thing. Though I fear to say more for upsetting you. I think this discussion has some very deep avenues that trigger people because of a personal history or mis understood understanding of history.

I have no wish to justify any wrong doing history may show. I am just weak in my ability to make a change to that.

I would like to highlight. The same virus that Columbus carried to the America's. Has spread and now contaminates the whole world. Though originally that virus came from the eastern coast of Europe.

Some will use the phrase "it is what it is", to escape responsibility. Some will play the victim card.

The deep truth is. The same thing still happens today. Even now more and more is taken from people each day. Just like Columbus did. Done under the guise of law way of life. Or even worse, controlled media to prevent the spread of knowledge and corruption that continues. The loss of Kings and Queens and the someone to point the finger at. Might just be the worst thing to happen to the world.

I do not believe the present owes the past. I am firm on the present is indebted to the future. So far we have failed on all payments. Unless people can come together uniting for a better world to live in, Prepared to make a sacrifice themselves so others might have. We are doomed to be raped and plundered at the will of those stronger.

If we rely on a government or any foundation not controlled in a decentralised manner. We are doing nothing but playing to the advantages of those we wish to oppose.

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