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RE: One Foot In Front

in #philosophy7 months ago

I am not very emotional. In fact, my wife thinks that I do not feel enough emotions (but she has made peace with that for more than 10 years).

So, I am not often afraid. I am like Smallsteps: careful and calculating.

While investing, I always risk money that I could lose completely.

As for physical danger, I think I know my limits pretty well and try not to put myself where I would be injured.


(but she has made peace with that for more than 10 years).

This in itself is comforting, isn't it?

A couple years ago, life was disrupted and now we are still trying to find a new normal. It is hard. My wife had made peace with me being less emotional, but now I am unfortunately more so in strange ways. A small piece of the brain dies, and the impacts can be enormous.

While investing, I always risk money that I could lose completely.

I am the same. These days, I see most purchases as an investment of some kind. A little momentary pleasure is rarely worth a large amount.