
Those are phishing links. Don't click on those comments. They're being downvoted so you and others don't accidentally click on them.

No its not

All it says is thank you for your job

I have seen phishing links from that user but thats not one of them

All he was doing at that point was showing appreciation for making him laugh which is why it annoyed me somebody downvoting the hell out of it because of unrelated matters,as not many bother to say thanks or vote theese days

Anybody using paid voting services who gets scammed deserves so in my opinion it is clearly against the steemit rules so I see it a bit like a gang shootout
Less villians about. But thats just my opinion

No, he had edited the comments from phishing links. Originally the comment was something else. The person you're thinking of had hackers post over 500 comments that he then changed over a few days. His comments have now been unflagged and reputation restored.

Oh I must have caught it while it was all in the process of happening then.all good. Thanks for your time explaining the situation.

If anything, they should be flagging your plagiarized posts instead of just the comments inside of them. And you keep pasting that Pokemon Go article from gizmodo.

@HowBitchesAct instagram is the source of at least one of your "memes".

At least spend some time making original content or credit the source if you want to take credit for making someone laugh over it.

I never claimed to be the creator and the memes I post have no copyrights on them to the best of my knoledge so I suggest you look up the meaning of word plagiarism before accusing anybody of it.

If you tell somebody a joke that you didnt make up yourself and they laugh its still you that makes that person laugh!