PhoneGraphy Tuesday- The pigeon

in #phonegraphy3 years ago

6 semanas Ampliar la implementación de restricciones a las actividades comunitarias Emergencia Anteriormente, el gobierno prepararía escenarios para la implementación de restricciones a las actividades comunitarias de emergencia por hasta 6 semanas.


Esto se hace debido al alto riesgo de la pandemia de Covid-19, especialmente la variante delta.

The photo was taken using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus camera
Edited by : Snapsheed Application

| *“Photography is the way in which we feel, touch, and love. What the camera has caught will remind you of the little things, after you have forgotten everything.” – Aaron Siskind

| “When words are not clear, then I will focus on photos. When the picture is starting to be inadequate, then I will be content with silence.”Ansel Adams |

| “摄影是我们感受、触摸和爱的方式。在你忘记一切之后,相机捕捉到的东西会让你想起一些小事。” — 亚伦·西斯金德 | “当文字不清楚时,我会专注于照片。当画面开始出现不足时,我会满足于沉默。” — 安塞尔·亚当斯 |

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