
Wow, that crazy my Father is a frog. I thought I was the only one. Following you my friend! lol

I am not sure what the title is related too but I remember that as a kid I always chased grasshoppers :). I like them

so either your father is a grasshopper, you mistyped this, or i'm misunderstanding something :p

great shots, nonetheless!

It's amazing pictures!!
Thank you for the good and hard work dear @creadordelfuturo_))
I follow you..!!

and i still fear from grasshoppers

@creadordelfuturo I am really not getting the connection here I don't know if I am that dumb or what. Nevertheless the pictures are awesome .

Wow thats amazing..great pictures..thank you have a new Follower

Wow, beautiful pictures mate. Seems you have some good camera :D

Your father has a good talent for taking pictures, is it taken using what? I see the image resolution is a little small, so it looks no detail.

Greeting from me to your father 😊

Quality is bad, because my father sends me a photo using messenger

Camera Samsung

wow. What type of camera or lens did you use here?

Camera Samsung

I'm always amazed at camera phones these days. SO good!

 7 years ago (edited) 

@nnnhhh i guess its right? Telling the father saws, or maybe the article is allready edited and this comment is useless.

Sometime its hard :D

I love green so much, will make my eye fresh

Summer is coming, nature waking up :) Nice photos of a green guys :)

Nice post like post you
follow me @zulmy
check my post me and upvote

The color of Grasshopper just made my eye Green too much green in one pic This should be up for Color Challenge Contest today