Make your face an old portrait with this page.

in #photo4 years ago

When a person has some free time they get things like this. So I was checking my twitter when some young Spanish writers that I follow were hallucinating about this page and I decided to try it.

That makes? Well, turn your face into an old painting. At first I thought it was an effect for your photo, but I think it just looks for a self-portrait that looks like your face and shows it to you. I decided to try it with three photos of me. (1).jpg (2).jpg (3).jpg (4).jpg

It gives you several paint shade options to choose the one you like best. This is a picture of me from when I was fourteen. I am using old photos. Now we go with the following: (5).jpg (6).jpg

I chose the two that I liked the most, here I was seventeen in the photo. Now to finish, before I show you too many portraits on this page, the last one: (7).jpg (8).jpg (9).jpg

And in this last photo if I'm 22, my current age. I think my favorite is the second or third photo. Now if you want to do the same, click here. I'm not advertising or anything like that, it's fun, just that. I have nothing more to say about it.