Supporting Local Restaurants

in #photo4 years ago


I supported a local restaurant yesterday. The seating section was locked off and two young women were serving take out from the counter.

In unrelated news, I woke up this morning with a hint of food poisoning. Hmm, I wonder how long that clam chowder was sitting in that pot. Maybe it was on special because it had been festering for a week.

I snapped this view as I suspect that I will spend much of the day bowing before this porcelain alter. I realize, of course, that Hive community will be looking at that beautiful role of toilet paper framed in a golden holder with a tissue square gracefully draped over its top.

As I spend my day in contemplation, I will revel in my riches knowing that there is a replacement role at my beckoning in the closet adjacent to this image.

Getting back to the post. Support your local restaurants in this time of need and, uh, well, uh. Umm, yeah. That is my post for the day.


Hooray, it was a one day thing ... although my precious role of TP is slightly smaller.