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RE: A tip for better photos: If you can't lose it - Use it!

in #photofeed6 years ago

Hey, your photography is amazing man.

I tried to setup my tripod and take a long exposure photograph of the ocean once, but it was during daytime and I couldn't expose the shutter long enough to capture that silky smooth water look without the picture being overexposed.

Are you able to do long exposure photography during daytime? Or most people just do it during evening/nighttime?

P.S. I also had a polarizer filter on.


Thanks! To do long exposures during the day you need Neutral Density filters. At least a 10 stop filter for exposures over 30sec in the day.

If you're in Australia I can do you a good deal on NiSi filters as I am an official ambassador.

Ahh got you. Thanks for the tip.

Unfortunately, I'm not in Australia haha. I was studying there last year, but back in San Francisco now. Appreciate it though!