
in #photofeed6 years ago


I have been bottling emptiness for a very long time now
Void is in reservoir..
Emotions stored in my head.
I'm caught up in this web.
Five senses don't work anymore, I feel numb to this pain.
I dunno what I feel, it's hard to explain.


Nice piece.
Upvoted all and followed

Well a lot has been said with your few unspoken words.

There's alot going on here. At that I think one of the best thing to do is take a deep breathe pray and fight it. Great piece!

Thank you Uju.
I will.

i like how you use your words. You express yourself in the finesse of poetry. Impressive. I hope we work together

Nice one bro

Thanks man.
I really appreciate.

Nice piece. I think we all have some sensation of emptiness from time to time. You just have to keep on keeping on.

I'll just keep praying.

Great photo ! Did you edit it yourself ( color correction , filters , etc ) ? I'm not sure if the poetry is based on your situation / feelings at the moment but if its like that then I want you to know that everything is gonna be alright = )

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.

Thank you soo much!
And yes, I edited it by myself.
And I pray everything is gonna be alright.
Thank you once again.

Some times i feel like your poem reads minds...
I loce your work... I love it

Thank you.💝

I love this, upvoted and followed!

You are good
And I also hope all Will be alright