The Mythology of Elder

in #photofeed5 days ago

Hey dear community, I hope you are all doing well and you have a day that has brought some interesting experiences into your life! In my new publication I would like to go into nature and hope you are able to expand your knowledge a bit.

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Here are some pictures of elder which is also known under the scientific name Sambucus and originally comes from Central Europe and was already of great importance in ancient cultures. It is assumed that it was already known to ancient Germanics tribes and was known as an important medicinal plant which was associated with the goddess Holda and she was so enthusiastic about this plant that it was under her special protection and it was also revered as a magical plant which protects the gate to the underworld, it was also considered as a kind of medium with which people in could come into contact with other worlds. Among the Germanics it had such an important symbolic meaning that it was also used for ritual purposes and it was also associated with eternal life and also with the ancient Celts it had a high priority and there were also views that it was associated with eternal life and it was also considered an important medicinal plant which was used as a kind of universal medicine against all kinds of diseases. It was also considered an important protective plant and wherever it grew, the inhabitants were particularly safe and it is also interesting that it usually grows near houses and according to a legend from Norse mythology it should also have been the residence of the goddess of love Freya and was also linked to fertility. There are also traces from Greek mythology where it has also been revered as a magical plant and it was consecrated to the goddess of magic Hecate and the well-known doctor Hippocrates also described elder as an important medicine and dealt a lot with the effects. Even in the Middle Ages, it was specially planted near the house because people thought that it could protect against negative influences or certain weather-related influences such as lightning strikes and farmers also appreciated it very much and thought that it could improve the harvest and in the Middle Ages, it was widespread and was also highly appreciated because of its medical properties. It also appears in modern fairy tales and so it were the Brothers Grimm who wrote about a woman named Holle who transformed the flowers of the plant into feathers and threw them on the earth and this would be the reason that it snows.

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Thanks a lot for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about mythology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


My mother, may she rest in peace, had the habit of making drinks with this plant when we were sick with the flu. She combined it with fig and lemon, a warm, sweet drink that worked. Obviously, my mother's love was also present.

My condolences, glad that she taught you that and she was completely right when it came to the effect! Elder is a great medicinal plant and so diverse, it can also be very worthwhile to make a syrup from it, you can store it for a long time and mix it well with water. Good that the plant links you with memories, I want to wish you a great start to the new week dear @lupega